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Certificate in Conflict and Dispute Management for Project Managers

Certificate of Participation provided by Conrad Grebel University College and the University of WaterlooUW logo

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Workshops 3 & 4

Contract Planning, Design and Administration to Prevent Disputes:

Select the Most Appropriate Project Delivery System to Meet Project Objectives; Time, Cost & Document Control; Dispute Management; Effective Communication

These two workshops are designed to help you fully realize the risks of disputes associated with a project during its different phases, and to define and fully understand the parties’ obligations to mitigate such risks.  You will learn how to design the contract with measures to avoid the negative outcomes of such disputes. You will also learn how to select procurement strategies and procedures, along with how to select the best contractor for the project. You will also systematically cover the subjects vital to training good contract and field administrators to manage time, cost, documentation, and disputes during this phase.  A variety of case studies will be presented. 

How to…

Day 1
General Introduction to Contracting

Selecting Contracting Strategies, Procurement Methods and the Impact on Disputes during the Project

Day 2
Contractor Selection

Day 3

Day 4
Project Documentation and Control Systems

Day 5
Effective Cost and Time Control